1. That this isn’t that big a deal to Irish people
American tourist: “Oh wow, the Guinness factory!”
Irish person: *shrugs*
2. That Coppers isn’t just some divey meat market, IT’S A NATIONAL INSTITUTION
3. That the men in Ireland don’t all look like Gerard Butler
And they certainly don’t sound like him.
4. That there tends to be a grand stretch in the evening for a good part of the year
So it tends to be bright late into the evening.
5. That we don’t ever, under any circumstances, utter the phrase “Top o’ the morning”
Not a thing, guys.
6. That, yeah, you’re probably not going to find tacos and burritos in rural Ireland
We’ve come a long way, but we haven’t come that far.
7. That black pudding is not the sweet dessert treat it sounds like
“Mmm, black pudding! Sounds chocolatey.”
8. That bacon in Ireland is not bacon as they know it
Say it with us: rashers.
9. That the po-po in Ireland aren’t quite as intimidating as their American peers
10. That “chips” aren’t what you think they are
So you might want to double check.
11. That Mullingar isn’t necessarily a tourist destination
12. And that you shouldn’t take every place name literally
Or you will be disappointed.